With the permanent adoption of test-optional admissions, WVU is joining a growing number of institutions nationwide offering students the flexibility to choose whether or not standardized tests are included in their college applications. (WVU Photo)
West Virginia University becomes the first public higher education institution in the Mountain State to permanently adopt a test-optional admissions policy, following approval from the WVU Board of Governors.
“WVU is a leader in providing students with new choices when it comes to college and, with this permanent test-optional move, joins the growing number of institutions nationwide that are taking this approach to college admissions,” said George Zimmerman, assistant vice president for Enrollment Management.
Nationwide, more than 1,800 institutions are test-optional or test-free, according to FairTest, the National Center for Fair and Open Testing.
“Students have been embracing test-optional admissions processes as part of their college searches since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and, going forward, we have an obligation to remove any barriers that may deter those interested in higher education,” Zimmerman said.
The WVU test-optional admissions policy was initially adopted temporarily ahead of the fall 2020 semester at a time when restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic were keeping many college-bound high school students from taking either the ACT or SAT.
Since then, it has been extended three times to address ongoing pandemic effects and reduce the overall stress of the college application process for students. The last of the extensions runs through spring 2024. After that, the permanent policy will take effect.
“Giving students the flexibility to choose whether or not standardized tests are included in their college applications has shown to be effective in helping them feel more in control of the process,” Zimmerman said.
The University will continue to offer scholarships for test-optional applicants and those providing test scores. The ACT or SAT remain requirements for the PROMISE Scholarship.
Certain programs also have specific testing requirements and test scores could be necessary for course placement. Find details from Undergraduate Admissions.
Regardless of their test reporting status, all applicants are automatically evaluated for the Center for Learning, Advising and Student Success, designed to support students who are undecided in their majors, entering pre-professional disciplines or are unable to meet selective program requirements at the time of their admissions.
Read more about Admissions at WVU.
MEDIA CONTACT: Shauna Johnson
Director of News Communications
University Relations
304-293-8302; sjohns13@mail.wvu.edu
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