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Board of Governors

WVU launches online survey to aid presidential search

West Virginia University Board of Governors Vice-Chair and Presidential Search Committee Chair Dr. Patrice Harris sent a letter to members of the University community Wednesday (July 24), providing an update on the presidential search process.

WVU BOG elects new officers

The West Virginia University Board of Governors is announcing its officers for the 2024-25 term. Experienced members serving in leadership are Richard “Rick” Pill, elected as BOG chair, Dr. Patrice Harris, elected as vice chair, and Robert “Bob” Reynolds, elected as secretary.

WVU BOG announces Presidential Search Committee, approves FY25 financial plan

The West Virginia University Board of Governors endorsed a slate of 21 nominated individuals on Friday (June 21) to serve on the committee to select the University’s next president. A new president will come to WVU at a time of improving financial stability. The University has closed a projected structural budget shortfall and increased its cash on hand over the last year.

WVU Board of Governors selects WittKieffer to assist presidential search

A national firm with more than 50 years of experience will partner with the West Virginia University Board of Governors in its search for a new University president. The BOG announced during a special meeting Wednesday (May 29) that it chose WittKieffer which has conducted more than 145 presidential and chancellor searches over the past five years.

WVU BOG approves Rule, advances University presidential search

The search for the next West Virginia University president moved forward Monday (May 6) as the WVU Board of Governors unanimously approved BOG Governance Rule 1.3 — Presidential Selection, Contracts and Evaluation, following a 30-day public comment period. The Rule, which will go into effect 15 business days from now, outlines the guiding principles for the selection, employment and evaluation of the University’s president.

WVU BOG takes initial steps in University presidential search process

The West Virginia University Board of Governors is beginning to establish the process that will be followed for the hiring of the next University president. During a special meeting Monday (March 18), the Board approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for BOG Governance Rule 1.3 — Presidential Selection, Contracts and Evaluation. The new Rule outlines the guiding principles for presidential selection, employment and evaluation.