The Mountainlair as seen on April 22, 2022. (WVU Photo/Brian Persinger)
To address ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce the overall stress of the college application process for students, West Virginia University will again extend its test optional admissions policy for the ACT and SAT in certain cases.
“While pandemic restrictions have been lifted in most areas of the country, we are still seeing the impact of the past two years,” said George Zimmerman, WVU assistant vice president for enrollment management.
“The pandemic has changed the way many people live their daily lives. Higher education is not immune to these types of changes. Test optional admissions has allowed schools across the country to provide students with new choices when it comes to applying to college. The pandemic made this shift necessary and we have seen students embrace test optional admissions processes as part of their college search.”
This extension includes the fall 2023 and spring 2024 terms, the third such extension at WVU since fall 2020, part of a national admissions trend putting more emphasis on student GPAs and overall academic performance.
“Providing students the flexibility to choose whether or not standardized tests are included in their college applications allows them to feel more in control of the process,” Zimmerman said.
While test requirements have been modified for admission to the University, select majors still require an ACT or SAT. Students planning to enroll may be required to take a math placement exam.
The University will continue to offer scholarships for test optional applicants and those providing scores. The ACT or SAT remain requirements for the PROMISE Scholarship.
Additionally, certain programs have specific testing requirements and test scores could be necessary for course placement. Details are available through Undergraduate Admissions.
As an added support measure, students who are undecided in their major, are entering a pre-professional discipline or are unable to meet selective program requirements at the time of admission begin their college careers in CLASS, the Center for Learning, Advising and Student Success.
The test optional policy will be re-evaluated during the next year for future terms.
MEDIA CONTACT: George Zimmerman
WVU Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management
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