The Return to Campus website displayed on a computer laptop, Aug. 24, 2021. (WVU Photo/Morgan Goff)
West Virginia University will transfer its COVID-19 dashboards from the current Return to Campus website, as well as other pandemic information and related resources, to a new website,, beginning Monday, May 16.
The last dashboard update for the Morgantown campus will be Friday, May 13, ahead of Spring Commencement. Similarly, final updates to the WVU Potomac State College and WVU Institute of Technology dashboards posted May 6, before Commencement ceremonies on the Keyser and Beckley campuses.
“ While this virus will be with us for the foreseeable future, and we will continue to closely monitor disease trends, we now have widespread access to vaccines, better therapeutics and the knowledge of the past two years to better guide our individual decisions about how to protect ourselves and others around us in the community,” said Dr. Jeffrey Coben, dean of the School of Public Health and associate vice president for Health Affairs. “All of these can help us successfully navigate the evolution of COVID-19.”
WVU strongly encourages, but does not require, everyone to stay optimally protected against COVID-19 by getting their primary vaccine series and staying up to date with a booster dose if they are eligible to receive one.
To determine when they are eligible and due for a booster shot (or any COVID-19 shot), West Virginians are encouraged to use the WV COVID-19 Vaccination Due Date Calculator, a free online tool that helps anyone figure out when they may become due for a COVID-19 shot. Access the calculator by scrolling down at
WVU Medicine Student Health will continue to offer the Pfizer vaccine available for WVU students at its clinic in the Health and Education Building on the Morgantown campus. Walk-in appointments are offered during regular business hours.
WVU will continue to work with local health departments, including the Monongalia County Health Department in Morgantown, on future vaccination opportunities. Upcoming vaccine clinics will be posted at .
Students, faculty and staff who already have verified their vaccination status for their primary vaccine series and have received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine should visit the Vaccine Verification System and enter details on their booster via StarRez (WVU’s housing portal) at by following these instructions .
Students, faculty and staff who have not yet verified their vaccination status with the University for any COVID-19 vaccine are asked to do so by visiting and following these instructions . A video tutorial also is available.
COVID-19 tests are now readily available through local health departments, pharmacies and through the federal government's website,, which allows people to sign up for a maximum of two sets of four free COVID-19 tests, which will be shipped directly to the individual’s household.
Safety protocols
For personal safety and the safety of others, students and employees should not ignore symptoms of COVID-19 . Those with any COVID-19 symptoms should not report to campus for work or class.
All WVU community members are required to report if they test positive for COVID-19 or are quarantining due to suspected or known exposure to COVID-19. In Morgantown, students and employees should report their positive results to .
Questions related to COVID-19 and WVU’s health and safety protocols can be sent via email to or by calling 304-293-6006.
Executive Director of Communications
University Relations
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