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WVU coaches and experts expand online series to support athletes during COVID-19 pandemic

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WHAT: West Virginia University’s Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Sciences Town Hall Series, a five-week online series via Zoom. 


April 23, 3-4 p.m.
Coaching from a Distance: Useful Apps
Sport practices being put on-hold presents many challenges for coaches and athletes. Join WVU men's soccer coach Dan Stratford and Penn State Athletics’ Assistant Athletic Director for Applied Health & Performance Sciences Josh Nelson and others in a discussion of the Apps and web resources they find most helpful in connecting and coaching with their athletes from a distance.

Register for Coaching from a Distance: Useful Apps.

April 30, 3-4 p.m.

Supporting and Building Resiliency in Athletes
Being able to handle challenges and adversity is an essential skill in sport and life.  WVU’s women’s gymnastics coach Jason Butts and other leading professionals will share tips and answer community questions about how to support and develop resiliency in developing athletes.
Register for Supporting and Building Resiliency in Athletes.

May 7, 3-4 p.m.

Developing Long Lasting Athleticism through Youth Sports
Everyone should have an opportunity to develop the ABCs of athleticism: agility, balance, coordination and speed.  This Town Hall meeting will focus on a discussion of what are the best ways to ensure that our sport programs develop the essential foundation for long lasting and well-rounded athleticism.
Register for Developing Long Lasting Athleticism through Youth Sports.

May 14, 3-4 p.m.

Developing WV Athletes- a statewide community discussion
In a follow up to the May 7 Town Hall meeting, this event will guide and encourage community focused discussion on how WV youth and scholastic sports continue to grow and support our athletes.
Register for Developing WV Athletes- a statewide community discussion.

May 21, 3-4 p.m.

Returning to Play in WV
What does return to play look like after COVID?  How might the current situation impact the future of the youth and scholastic sport experience in WV?  Bring your questions and concerns to an open panel discussion with experts from the sports medicine and sport science fields.
Register for Returning to Play in WV.



CONTACT: Kristen Dieffenbach
WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

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