WVU kicks off Diversity Week with its first “WVU’s State of Diversity” address by Vice President for the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Meshea L. Poore.
WHO: Meshea Poore, vice president of West Virginia University Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
WHAT: WVU State of Diversity address
WHEN: Sept. 16, noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: WVU College of Law Event Hall
NOTES: WVU kicks off Diversity Week with its first “WVU’s State of Diversity” address by Vice President for the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Meshea L. Poore. Poore will provide a status report designed to highlight where we stand in our diversity and inclusion journey, celebrate accomplishments we have made as a Big XII institution while acknowledging the growth that we will continue to support and galvanize, along with the role each member of the Mountaineer family plays in ensuring that we have a campus that is welcoming, supportive and inclusive.
MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Poore will be available for interviews immediately after her address.
CONTACT: Kirsten Barnicle-Brown
Special Events Coordinator
304.293.7470; kbrown30@mail.wvu.edu
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