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WVU announces recommendations for Academic Support Units

West Virginia University announced recommendations Wednesday (Sept. 20) aimed at creating a more focused and cost-efficient suite of academic support services to assist colleges and schools while better serving students’ needs. Separate from the recent Academic Program Portfolio Review, an evaluation of the 20 ASUs in the Provost’s Office began in May.

WVU releases last set of final recommendations for programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced the final recommendations on Tuesday (Sept. 5) from the last three appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process, including those for Resource Economics and Management, Public Administration, and Design and Community Development.

WVU releases third set of final recommendations for programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced five additional final recommendations on Friday (Sept. 1) from appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process, including those for English, Music, Communication Studies, Education, and Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering.

WVU announces additional final recommendations for programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced seven additional final recommendations on Thursday (Aug. 31) from appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process, including those for Chemistry, Plant and Soil Sciences, Theatre and Dance, Art and Design, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Law, and Mathematical and Data Sciences.

WVU announces final recommendations for several academic programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced final recommendations on Tuesday (Aug. 29) from the first four appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process. This is the next step following the announcement of the preliminary recommendations on Aug. 10.