Student walks across the B&E footbridge after a day of class. (WVU Photo/Hunter Tankersley)
West Virginia University Dean of Students Corey Farris outlined in a letter to the campus community Tuesday (June 23) plans for a return to campus in the fall designed to create a safe and meaningful experience for all students.
Dear West Virginia Campus Community:
Over the past few weeks, you have begun to hear about WVU’s plans for returning to our campuses this fall, specifically those plans that affect the academic experience and address safety concerns. We know that the time you spend outside the classroom is an important part of your WVU experience. Student life contributes significantly to your education. We are planning for you to live and engage, make new friends and memories, while maintaining the health and safety of all.
WVU is committed to providing a diverse and meaningful experience for all students.
First-year students, you will be supported as you navigate your transition to WVU. Starting college in the midst of a global pandemic was probably not on your college checklist, but your first year will provide a solid foundation for your time at WVU. Families, we will provide your student the support they need to make sound decisions and excel academically while experiencing the growth that results from contributing to their communities.
Returning students will find that even though campus looks different, the emphasis on campus experiences will be the same. The formats will be different; however, we will continue to offer programming, including WVUp All Night, fraternity and sorority recruitment/rush and more.
We expect each student – along with staff and faculty – to take steps to be safe, including mask-wearing, proper physical distancing and handwashing. Our ability to offer on-campus instruction and programs depends on the individual actions of our students and community members. Everyone must accept personal responsibility and accountability. Families can keep our campus community safe by staying in touch with their student and reinforcing the importance of the safety measures the University is taking.
We know you have questions about WVU residence hall and University Apartments move-in, student activities and resources. Here is information to help you plan for August and beyond.
Residence Halls
WVU’s residence halls will operate at normal capacity to provide a traditional residential experience for first-year students. Our staff will be providing programs, services and opportunities for students to build community with their peers and residential staff, while we navigate a “new normal” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Engagement will be online as well as in-person, depending upon the situation and guidance from public health experts and campus leadership.
Move-in Information:
- Move-in will begin Wednesday, August 12 and end Saturday, August 15.
- Each residence hall will have a specific move-in day, and students will register for a move-in time slot. Registration will be through
- Move-in registration will open on Monday, July 6. Students will receive an email when registration is open.
- Dining Services will be open and serving meals to coincide with move-in dates.
- Information about COVID-19 testing, isolation and quarantine will be provided in July.
University Apartments (College Park, University Park, University Place and Vandalia)
- Move-in will begin Saturday, August 1 and continue through Friday, August 14.
- Residents are strongly encouraged to register for a move-in time slot. Anyone arriving for move-in who is not scheduled will experience a delay in accessing their apartment. This is to maintain the highest possible level of safety.
- Registration for move-in time slots will open on Monday, July 6.
Off-Campus Housing
Students who will live in off-campus housing should contact their landlord or property management for information about move-in. Expectations and requirements are established by each property.
Student Activities and Programming
A wide range of activities and programming will be available. Events will be adapted to make them accessible to all, with particular emphasis on providing options that don’t require travel between downtown and Evansdale. Details about events and programs will be released in July.
- Activities centered around Welcome Week, including FoodFest and FallFest, have not been decided.
- Adventure WV will offer only virtual first-year trips prior to the start of classes; additional in-person programming is being planned for fall and spring.
- The Student Rec Center will be open.
- The Mountainlair will be open for student use.
- Residence halls will offer programming and activities.
- Greek Life and other student organizations are actively planning programming.
- Student Life departments will each offer services to students, though they may be delivered virtually rather than in-person.
It’s likely that your last school year ended differently than you expected, whether it was completing coursework virtually, canceled sports programs, proms and graduations or a campus visit to WVU. We know this next academic year will be different. However, you can count on the staff members across the division of Student Life to help you achieve your educational and experiential goals.
As President Gee said when announcing WVU’s plan for returning to campus this fall, it’s clear you want to be on campus with your professors and fellow Mountaineers. To make that happen, we ask you to be flexible and patient while taking good care of yourself. We know plans will continue to evolve, but working together, we will have a great fall semester.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to campus in a few short weeks.
Let’s Go!
G. Corey Farris
Dean of Students
CONTACT: Elaine McVay
Director of Housing Marketing
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