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VIDEO: WVU welcomes the class of 2022 to its new home

For nearly 5,000 first-year students, West Virginia University became their new home during Welcome Week 2018.

Our newest students moved into their rooms, hugged their families and friends goodbye and embarked on a new journey — all in a 24-hour period. Throughout Welcome Week, they participated in statewide community service projects, explored new adventures and stepped foot on campus as WVU students for the very first time.

The first week for a WVU student can go by so quickly. Yet it is such a crucial point in the life of a student and a University. We’ve captured video showing everything from our newest Welcome Week event, Mountaineer MovieFest, to Monday Night Lights and even FallFest in hopes of creating a memory that lasts beyond their college years.

These students are the best-performing class academically in our University’s history. We welcome the Class of 2022 — and their passion for knowledge. Their future starts now!