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Media Advisories

WVU Statler College to host Pumpkin Drop

The West Virginia University Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources will welcome students and teachers from across West Virginia Friday (Oct. 25) for the 35th annual Pumpkin Drop, a design competition that puts students’ engineering concepts to the test as they compete with gourds of glory.

Gee to deliver State of the University address Oct. 14

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee will deliver remarks at 3 p.m. Monday (Oct. 14) for the State of the University address which will be held in the WVU College of Law, Fitzsimmons Event Hall.

Mountaineer mascot to receive flu shot

The 70th West Virginia University Mountaineer mascot, Braden Adkins, will get his flu shot to raise awareness about flu prevention.

WVU ROTC cadets to mark 9/11 with 24-hour vigil

West Virginia University Army and Air Force ROTC cadets will recognize the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks with a 24-hour vigil in front of the WVU Downtown Library beginning at 8 a.m. Wednesday (Sept. 11) through 8 a.m. Thursday (Sept. 12).