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WVU Extension engages West Virginia agricultural producers at Small Farm Conference

A welcome flag waves in front of the Charleston Coliseum and convention center

The WVU Extension Small Farm Center will host the Small Farm Conference starting Wednesday (Feb. 26) at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center. (WVU Photo)

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WHAT: The West Virginia University Extension Small Farm Center will host a four-day conference offering an affordable opportunity for West Virginia farmers to learn how to adapt their enterprises to meet the rising demand for local foods while increasing profitability.

WHO: Nearly 400 West Virginia farmers and agribusiness operators; WVU Extension faculty, staff and other industry experts; Hollie Best, keynote speaker, child nutrition director, Wood County Schools; various conference exhibitors

WHEN: Feb. 26 to March 1

WHERE: Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center, 200 Civic Center Drive, Charleston

NOTES: The conference also includes the popular Winter Blues Farmers Market, a collaboration with the West Virginia Department of Agriculture, which takes place from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday (March 1). The Winter Blues Farmers Market is open to the public.

Best photo and video opportunities:

     • Friday, Feb. 28, 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. — Conference keynote luncheon
     • Saturday, March 1, 11:30 a.m. to noon — Winter Blues Farmers Market media preview

See the full conference schedule.

Find more information about the West Virginia Small Farm Conference.



Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
WVU Division for Land-Grant Engagement

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