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WVU Day at the Legislature to highlight statewide outreach

People gather in the Rotunda of the West Virginia State Capitol building for an interactive exhibit.

Leaders and staff members from West Virginia University and WVU Extension will be at the State Capitol Complex in Charleston from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday (March 5) showcasing academic programs and resources through interactive exhibits, like the one shown here during the 2024 WVU Day at the Legislature. (WVU Photo)

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WHAT: West Virginia University and WVU Extension will host WVU Day at the Legislature to showcase academic programs, resources and events through engaging, interactive exhibits, and to make connections with legislators, staffers, youth and other visitors.

WHO: President Gordon Gee; Dean Jorge Atiles, WVU Division for Land-Grant Engagement; representatives from more than 30 University academic units and statewide outreach programs across the WVU System; the Mountaineer mascot; and 200-plus 4-H’ers and school-age youths

WHEN: March 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WHERE: State Capitol Complex, Building 1, Upper Rotunda, Charleston

NOTES: The event is free and open to visitors of all ages.

Read more about WVU Day at the Legislature.



Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
WVU Division for Land-Grant Engagement

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