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WVU student researchers and lawmakers to connect during Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

A WVU student presents her research to two people during Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol.

Natalie Wonsettler, a student in the WVU School of Medicine, presents her research to lawmakers during the 2024 Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol. (WVU Photo/Lindsay Willey)

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WHAT: West Virginia University undergraduate research students will participate in Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol.

WHO: 65 University students

WHEN: Tuesday, March 25, 8-11 a.m.  

WHERE: Capitol Rotunda, Capitol Complex, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E, Charleston

NOTES: Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for students to discuss with policymakers the significance of undergraduate research taking place in higher education.

Students will present their research in a poster presentation format.

See a full list of student presenters.

The event is free and open to the public.



MEDIA CONTACT: Lindsay Willey
Director of Marketing and Communications
WVU Honors College

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