WVU President Gordon Gee and other University representatives are hitting the road to join alumni, friends and supporters at stops in Boone, Ohio and Nicholas counties. (WVU Photo/Jennifer Shephard)
WHAT: West Virginia University officials will join Mountaineer alumni, friends and supporters during a series of gold and blue inspired stops July 13-17 in Boone, Ohio and Nicholas counties.
WHO: President Gordon Gee, WVU Alumni Association and other University representatives
Saturday, July 13
• 4:30 p.m. — Water Ways Outdoor Amphitheater, 99 Water Way, Julian|
37th annual Boone County Alumni and Friends Pig Roast and Mountaineer Music Frolic
Monday, July 15
• 5-6:30 p.m. — Oglebay Resort, 465 Lodge Drive, Wheeling
Gold and blue celebration reception
Wednesday, July 17
• 12-1:30 p.m. — Summersville Arena and Conference Center, 3 Armory Way, Summersville
President Gee will join Summersville Mayor Robert Shafer for a luncheon and gathering of WVU alumni, friends and supporters.
In Julian:
Jessica McGee
Director of Marketing and Communications
WVU Alumni Association
304-293-4731; Jessica.McGee1@mail.wvu.edu
In Wheeling and Summersville:
Ann Bailey Berry
Assistant Vice President for Outreach
WVU University Relations
304-376-7740; Ann.Berry@mail.wvu.edu
Call 1-855-WVU-NEWS for the latest West Virginia University news and information from WVUToday.