WVU will host a one-day substance use disorder conference, "Building a Healthier Appalachia: Collaborative Solutions to Substance Use Disorders Across the Region," from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 25) at the Erickson Alumni Center. (WVU Photo)
WHAT: West Virginia University, in cooperation with the Appalachian Node of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network, is hosting “Building a Healthier Appalachia: Collaborative Solutions to Substance Use Disorders Across the Region.”
The one-day conference is designed to advance the knowledge of empirically based interventions for individuals with substance use disorders and to improve community collaboration for better outcomes.
WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Erickson Alumni Center, 1 Alumni Drive, Morgantown
WHO: Erin Winstanley, associate professor, WVU School of Medicine; Laura Lander, associate professor, WVU School of Medicine; Dr. Frances Levin, Kennedy-Leavy Professor of Psychiatry and chief of the Division on Substance Use Disorders at Columbia University; National Institute on Drug Abuse officers, and several other experts on substance use disorders from WVU and across the nation
NOTES: The conference will showcase recovery-friendly businesses in the local community and feature national guest speakers, network sessions, and a community panel and poster session.
WVU Research Communications
304-293-5507; Jake.Stump@mail.wvu.edu
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