West Virginia University hosts the first Prevention Summit Sept. 30, covering issues of mental health, sexual health, gender-based violence and bystander intervention. The summit will close out local Hazing Prevention Week. (WVU Photo/Jennifer Shephard)
West Virginia University hosts the first Prevention Summit, covering issues of mental health, sexual health, gender-based violence and bystander intervention, along with Recovery Ally and Narcan training and much more to close out September and local Hazing Prevention Week.
WHO: Students, faculty and staff will hear from experts from the University and the Morgantown community sharing information about their work in the area of prevention.
Hosting the inaugural event are WELLWVU, Title IX, the Center for Fraternal Values and Leadership and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
WHEN: Friday, Sept. 30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Mountainlair, Morgantown
Opening Plenary Session
9 a.m., Blue Ballroom, Mountainlair
Judge Cindy Scott, 17th Judicial Circuit, Monongalia County, discusses her work as a prosecuting attorney in cases involving sexual violence.
Closing Session
2 p.m. Blue Ballroom, Mountainlair
A discussion and Q&A session with Nolan Burch’s parents, Kimberly and TJ Burch, follows a screening of the documentary, “Breathe, Nolan, Breathe.”
After the death of their son in 2014, the Burches created the Nolan Michael Burch Foundation as part of their commitment to educate students in high schools and college campuses across the country about preventable deaths caused by hazing. Nolan’s death also sparked action on WVU’s campus with the launch of the Would You? Campaign.
Prevention Summit registration is open to University students, staff and faculty.
See the full schedule.
MEDIA CONTACT: Shauna Johnson
Director of News Communications
University Relations
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