Women Beyond Bars is partnering with the Appalachian Prison Book Project to collect new and used paperback books for imprisoned people. A box will be available at the WVU Downtown Library for donations. Review donation guidelines at appalachianprisonbookproject.org. (WVU Illustration)
WHAT: “Women Beyond Bars,” an interactive installation that explores the story of women’s incarceration in West Virginia
WHO: West Virginia University Reed College of Media
WHEN: Oct. 11- Dec. 14, during library operating hours
WHERE: WVU Downtown Library (masks required)
NOTES: Media representatives and the public should contact Rhy Wiethe at womenbeyondbars@gmail.com to schedule a visit.
West Virginia has one of the highest female incarceration rates in the country. The two-year Women Beyond Bars journalism and advocacy project explores this mass incarceration trend and its impact on issues like mental health, rehabilitation and the foster care system. The faculty-led student project culminates with an interactive exhibit featuring the stories of 10 formerly incarcerated women who share their experiences in the prison and jail system in West Virginia. Scan QR codes to watch personal stories and testimonies. Read more about the Women Beyond Bars project.
Women Beyond Bars is partnering with the Appalachian Prison Book Project to collect new and used paperback books for imprisoned people. A box will be available at the WVU Downtown Library for donations. Review donation guidelines at appalachianprisonbookproject.org.
CONTACT: Geah Pressgrove
304-293-8868; womenbeyondbars@gmail.com
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