West Virginia University President Gordon Gee gave his last annual State of the University address Oct. 14, 2019. (WVU Photo/Greg Ellis)
WHAT: West Virginia University President Gordon Gee will deliver a State of the University address
WHEN: 3:15 p.m., Monday, Oct. 12
WHERE: Virtually via Zoom at https://wvu.zoom.us/j/94898781076
NOTES: Immediately following the address, President Gee will engage in a public Q&A session with WVU’s Faculty Senate before members move to a regularly scheduled meeting.
Advance registration is required for a media availability at a separate Zoom link.
Email April Kaull at akaull@mail.wvu.edu by Monday, Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. ET to receive specific connection information.
CONTACT: April Kaull, Executive Director of Communications/University Relations
304-293-3990; akaull@mail.wvu.edu
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