WHAT: Veterans Appreciation Breakfast
WHO: West Virginia University Center for Veteran, Military and Family Programs; West Virginia University Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
WHEN: Nov. 11, 8 – 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: WVU Erickson Alumni Center, 1 Alumni Drive, Morgantown
NOTES: The Veterans Appreciation Breakfast will feature a keynote address by Lieutenant Colonel Tanya S. McGonegal, the first African American brigade commander in the history of the West Virginia National Guard. McGonegal’s previous titles include serving as the executive officer to the Director of Staff at the National Guard Bureau; military assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy; and as Advisor for Preparedness Policy for Homeland Defense Integration and Defense Support of Civil Authorities in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy.
CONTACT: Sarah Lowther Hensley
Marketing and Communications Director
Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion|
304.293.4750; Sarah.Hensley@mail.wvu.edu
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