WVU College of Law will host a symposium exploring the right to an education.
WHAT: Education Law Symposium examining the landmark West Virginia Supreme Court decision of Pauley v. Kelly, where the court held that education is a fundamental right. Discussion will further touch on recent teacher strikes and education law in areas of higher learning.
WHO: Former Governor Bob Wise, featured speaker; Derek Black, University of South Carolina School of Law, keynote speaker; other speakers are Dean Gregory Bowman, WVU College of Law, and Kellye Testy, president, CEO of Law School Admission Council; panel moderators, Joshua Weishart, WVU College of Law, Susan DeJarnatt, Temple Law School and Shine Tu, WVU College of Law
WHEN: Thursday (Feb. 21) 11:30 a.m. and Friday (Feb. 22), 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: West Virginia University College of Law, 101 Law School Drive, Morgantown
See the agenda and a complete list of panelists.
Read more about the Law Review Symposium.
CONTACT: James Jolly, Director of Marketing and
WVU College of Law
304.293.7439; James.Jolly@mail.wvu.edu
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