WHO: Paul Cassak, Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
WHAT: Benedum Distinguished Lecture titled The Explosive Sun: A Cosmic Jekyll and Hyde and Its Impacts On Earth
WHERE: Milano Room, WVU Wise Library
WHEN: Thursday (Oct. 18), 4 p.m.
The talk will detail Cassak’s work on a phenomenon called magnetic reconnection, which drives solar flares in the Sun’s atmosphere, leads to auroral light displays and space weather at Earth and spoils confinement in fusion devices.
The lecture is a part of the Benedum Distinguished Scholar Award, a designation intended to recognize and reward WVU faculty who exemplify distinction in research, scholarship, or creative activity.
This event is free and open to the public.
CONTACT: Ann Claycomb, Assistant Vice President for Academic and Strategic Communication
304.293.9919; ann.claycomb@mail.wvu.edu
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