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Statler College to host Engineering in Coding, Engineering Around the World Challenge Camps

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WHAT:  The Statler College will host two Engineering Challenge Camps the weeks of June 18. Engineering in Coding, a camp for high school students, will focus on how computer science and engineering skills can be applied to topics like robotics, cyber security, the “Internet of Things,” biometrics and the human-computer interface. Engineering Around the World, for middle schoolers, will take campers from Japan to India to Brazil as they explore bridge building, dam construction and wind turbines.


June 20, 3 p.m., G11 Engineering Sciences Building

Cyber Security Scrimmage

Led by David Krovich, professional technologist, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Campers will learn how to protect both their remote and physical networks, similar to the competitions that CyberWVU competes in.

June 22, 1 p.m., G3 Engineering Sciences Building

Automated Butler with Arduinos

Led by Cindy Tanner, program coordinator, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Campers will program an arduino microprocessor to complete a simple task in an automated manner. They will discuss automated robots, i.e., an iRobot vaccuum, as part of this activity.

HIGHLIGHTED ACTIVITIES: Engineering Around the World

June 20, 12:30 p.m., 105 Mineral Resources Building

Tall Tower Design

Led by Camp Counselors

Campers will use spaghetti noodles to build the tallest possible tower that can withstand high winds during the testing phase.

June 23, 9 a.m., G35 Engineering Sciences Building

Introduction to Mining/Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Mini Project: Play-Doh Coring

Led by Camp Counselors

Campers will create a test sample using different colored Play-Doh, and then they will learn about drilling by taking a core sample and analyzing the various layers.

Complete camp agendas can be found online at

WVU’s Engineering Challenge Camps are co-sponsored by the Statler College and EQT, and are sponsored in part by Halliburton and Eaton.

