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President Gee

WVU creating pathways to flexible humanities degrees, careers

As West Virginia seeks to re-imagine its future both economically and culturally, new skills beyond technical training will be necessary to generate innovative paths forward. Ryan Claycomb, a professor in the West Virginia University Department of English and interim director of the WVU Humanities Center, is working to create pathways for more flexible doctoral degrees in the humanities, particularly English and history.

Campus safety group recognizes WVU Police’s Roberts as ‘Chief of the Year’

Bob Roberts, chief of the West Virginia University Police, has been named national chief of the year by the National Association of Campus Safety Administrators. Roberts “is a proven leader with the ability to use logic and reason to solve today’s problems facing police in higher educational settings,” the association said in announcing the award in the “sworn officer” category.

WVU Board of Governors sends out updated rules for review

Continuing its work implementing changes allowed by the “freedom agenda” adopted by the 2017 Legislature, the West Virginia University Board of Governors issued a notice of proposed rulemaking Tuesday (March 6) for an amended set of academic rules and one additional faculty rule.

Cassak named 2017-2018 Benedum Distinguished Scholar in Physical Sciences and Technology

Paul Cassak, associate professor of Physics and Astronomy in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences has been named West Virginia University’s 2017-2018 Benedum Distinguished Scholar in Physical Sciences and Technology. This designation is intended to recognize and reward WVU faculty who exemplify distinction in research, scholarship or creative activity.