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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

WVU’s campus-wide effort harnesses creativity, innovation to support health care workers at WVU Medicine and around the state

A fashion designer stops creating clothing and turns her skills into making surgical masks. Cloth that might have been the mask for the Phantom of the Opera, instead is headed to J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital to become a mask that protects a health care worker in the fight against COVID-19. This, and more, is how West Virginia University is putting skills and resources from its entire campus to battle the pandemic which has killed thousands worldwide.

Riggs, Bragg elected WVU Student Government Association leaders

The campaign for West Virginia University Student Government Association leadership ended Wednesday evening (March 11) as the SGA Judicial Court announced Chase Riggs and Jaron Bragg as president and vice president, respectively, for the 2020-21 academic year.

WVU Hardesty Festival of Ideas 2020 hosts nationally renowned activists

Three people whose activism and advocacy for gender, race and incarcerated women will visit the West Virginia University Morgantown campus during the David C. Hardesty, Jr., Festival of Ideas this spring, giving students and the University community an opportunity to hear from agents of change.

TEDxWVU announces speakers for March event: ‘Say it Loud’

West Virginia University’s TEDxWVU event “Say it Loud” March 28 in the Creative Arts Center Gladys Davis Theater will feature five dynamic speakers. Raimah Hossain, Nicole Russell, Matthew Cordle, Kassie Colón and Christina Fattore will speak on a variety of topics affecting WVU students and the University community.

WVU President Gordon Gee on the death of Katherine Johnson

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee reacted to news Monday (Feb.24) of the death of Katherine Johnson, one of the subjects of Hidden Figures, and a West Virginian who did graduate work at the University, and was one of the first black students on campus.

Gee Mail: Spreading kindness like confetti

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee wants to start a “revolution of benevolence.” In this Gee Mail, our bowtie-wearing president embraces Random Acts of Kindness Month by shouting niceties to passersby, handing out cookies and issuing kinder, gentler parking violations.