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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

WVU plans bell-ringing ceremony to remember students

West Virginia University will hold a bell-ringing ceremony, coordinated by the Office of Campus and Community Life and Alpha Phi Omega, a national service fraternity, on Friday (Sept. 29) in remembrance of Elizabeth O'Leary, Patrick Van Kirk and Brady Zelmore.

WVU bioenergy researcher digging into the root of sustainability

A researcher at West Virginia University is unearthing what facilitates the robust growth of Miscanthus grass, a bioenergy crop that grows well on reclaimed Appalachian mine lands and holds the potential to produce fuel and capture carbon dioxide.

WVU releases last set of final recommendations for programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced the final recommendations on Tuesday (Sept. 5) from the last three appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process, including those for Resource Economics and Management, Public Administration, and Design and Community Development.

WVU releases third set of final recommendations for programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced five additional final recommendations on Friday (Sept. 1) from appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process, including those for English, Music, Communication Studies, Education, and Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering.

WVU announces additional final recommendations for programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced seven additional final recommendations on Thursday (Aug. 31) from appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process, including those for Chemistry, Plant and Soil Sciences, Theatre and Dance, Art and Design, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Law, and Mathematical and Data Sciences.

WVU announces final recommendations for several academic programs under review

The West Virginia University Office of the Provost announced final recommendations on Tuesday (Aug. 29) from the first four appeals hearings held as part of the Academic Transformation program portfolio review process. This is the next step following the announcement of the preliminary recommendations on Aug. 10.

Dead stars cast long shadows: WVU astronomer hunts for glowing ghosts of supernovas

Loren Anderson, a professor in the West Virginia University Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, said studying remnants of supernovas — the violent explosions that occur when massive stars die — is essential for understanding the properties and dynamics of our galaxy but, so far, only a relatively low number have been detected.