Campus Scenes taken on the Morgantown Campus Fall Semester, 2020. (WVU Photo/Brian Persinger)
More than a dozen West Virginia University students have been placed on probation as part of ongoing investigations related to violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities has placed 17 students on probation for COVID-19-related violations as of Aug. 26.
The Office is also processing charges for approximately 15 additional students who will face probation if found responsible.
Another student with a history of repeated COVID-19-related violations is scheduled for a student conduct hearing that could result in suspension or expulsion if found responsible.
The University announced last week that six students had initially been identified and placed on probation as part of an investigation into parties held earlier this month in the downtown areas near campus.
“I want to thank the majority of our students who are doing the right things,” Dean of Students Corey Farris said. “I hope every student takes their lead in living our Mountaineer Values because it takes all of us working together to be successful.”
To report individuals not following COVID-19 guidelines, visit Reports may also be made by calling University Police at 304-293-COPS or submitted anonymously through the LiveSafe app.
CONTACT: April Kaull, Executive Director of Communications
University Relations
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