WVU School of Public Health Clinical Associate Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences member Michael McCawley uses the drive thru Covid -19 testing facilities at the WVU Coliseum parking lot made available to the WVU employee community, July 20, 2020. Permission has been granted to publish this image. (WVU Photo/Greg Ellis)
West Virginia University launched a new public dashboard today (Aug. 3) to track and compile COVID-19 information collected during testing across the WVU System.
As part of the University’s commitment to protecting the safety and well-being of its campuses and surrounding communities, the dashboard (https://www.wvu.edu/return-to-campus/daily-test-results) will be updated Monday-Friday by 11 a.m. and include information regarding students and employees broken out by campus. Updates will also be provided by the University on WVU Safety social media accounts.
Additionally, the University will share trends and other COVID-19 related updates with the public each week or as necessary via WVUToday.
Mandatory COVID-19 testing is currently underway for students and employees who will be returning to the Morgantown campus this fall. Data specifically for the Morgantown campus is available at https://www.wvu.edu/return-to-campus/daily-test-results/morgantown.
All WVU community members in Morgantown are required to report if they test positive for COVID-19 or are self-quarantining due to suspected or known exposure to COVID-19. Students should notify the WVU CARE Team, and employees should notify WVU Medical Management.
COVID-19 testing has not yet commenced at WVU Potomac State College in Keyser or WVU Institute of Technology in Beckley.
Once testing begins:
- PSC students must report positive test results to the PSC CARE Team at PSC-cares@mail.wvu.edu. Employees should contact medical management or their supervisor.
- WVU Tech students should contact the CARE Team at 304-929-1232 or TechStudentLife@mail.wvu.edu. They may also submit a CARE referral form. Employees should contact medical management or their supervisor.
Students and employees will then be contacted by their local health departments to learn more about their symptom onset, provide public health recommendations for isolation and testing and conduct contact tracing, which is the process of reaching out to those who have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
In general, if an individual is not contacted during contact tracing, health officials have determined they were not exposed to COVID-19 through someone who has tested positive. However, everyone is encouraged to continue to self-monitor for symptoms and follow WVU’s safety precautions (e.g., wear a mask/face covering, practice physical distancing and exercise good hand hygiene).
Additional information and COVID-19 updates are available at WVU’s Return to Campus website.
CONTACT: April Kaull, Interim Exec. Director of Communications
University Relations
304-212-8710; akaull@mail.wvu.edu
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