The Center for Consumer Law and Education, a joint program between West Virginia University College of Law and Marshall University, has joined a federal program that empowers consumers.
The Center for Consumer Law and Education, a joint program between West Virginia University College of Law and Marshall University, has joined a federal program that empowers consumers.
The CCLE is now a member of “Your Money, Your Goals,” a grassroots initiative of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CCLE is one of 40 organizations nationally admitted into the program this year.
As a member of “Your Money, Your Goals,” CCLE staff will receive training and tools that will help consumers achieve financial wellbeing and learn important financial skills such as developing budgets, reviewing credit reports, and managing debt.
Since 2013, the “Your Money, Your Goals” program has trained more than 26,000 frontline staff and volunteers in service organizations across the country. Members of the group include federal, state, and local government agencies, faith-based and social service organizations, and financial service providers.
“The partnership with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau gives us a unique opportunity to access, develop and execute valuable programming across West Virginia to serve the state’s consumers effectively,” said Jonathan Marshall, director of the CCLE at the WVU College of Law.
The CCLE will use some of the “Your Money, Your Goals” resources towards securing job training and placement partners. CCLE is currently working with the Coalfield Development Corporation, a non-profit organization that helps Appalachians leave the coal industry for more accessible jobs.
Established in 2018, the CCLE’s mission is to educate consumers and partners about consumer law, assist with the development of public policy, and make a meaningful impact on the advancement of consumer law and policy in the state and nation.
Jolly, WVU College of Law,, 304.293.7439