WVU student wears a backpack on the way to class in the snow.
West Virginia University’s Morgantown campus, including WVU Research Corporation, will reopen on a delayed schedule Friday, Feb. 1, due to predicted snowfall during the morning commute complicated by the extreme cold temperatures of the past few days. Normal operations will resume at 11:30 a.m. Classes will resume beginning at 11:30 a.m. The PRT and buses will resume operation at 10:30 a.m.
As communicated previously, students and employees should use good judgment when traveling to work or class in inclement weather.
If students cannot get to class because of adverse weather conditions, they should contact their instructors as soon as possible.
In these circumstances, faculty are urged to take the situation into account relative to required attendance policies, scheduled assignments or tests. If faculty are unable to get to class, they are also encouraged to notify their students as soon as possible so that students do not embark on unnecessary travel.
Some essential WVU services – facility maintenance, snow removal, dining services, safety/security, etc. – will need to continue operations. Employees in those units should report to work as they are able. Essential employees should work with their supervisors to take annual leave or flex their schedule if they are unable to get to work. Supervisors are asked to be flexible and understanding with their direct reports if they are unable to make it to work.
University officials continue to closely monitor reports from the National Weather Service and will provide updates if necessary.
WVU students and employees should watch for these updates through a variety of outlets including: WVU Alert system, MIX email and Unews, students.wvu.edu, MOUNTAINEER E-News and enews.wvu.edu and social media channels such as @WestVirginiaU on Twitter or WVUMountaineers on Facebook, etc.
WVU Tech and Potomac State College will make decisions for their respective campuses.
Service will follow its internal inclement weather policy, which can be
found at https://employees.extension.wvu.edu/human-resources/current-employees/inclement-weather
CONTACT: University Relations/Communications
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