Dr. Gee stops by to visit WVU UpAllNight.
A large searchlight strategically placed in front of the Mountainlair each Friday and Saturday night draws attention to a re-energized WVUp All Night, West Virginia University’s alcohol-free weekend program, where students can watch movies, create a craft and win money.
WVUp All Night is just one of the venues the University offers to students so they can create a versatile college experience. The program ties into Project 168, which challenges students to balance their time between academic and personal pursuits. The successful late-night alternative has been in the national spotlight, featured on ABC’s Good Morning America and the BBC. WVUp All Night has received many awards for innovative programming and has been tweaked throughout the years to attract the ever-changing student body.
But one thing has remained the same— thousands of students attend each year.
“Our goals in re-energizing the program are to enhance the student experience, serve more students and make WVUp All Night the premiere weekend destination,” said WVU Arts and Entertainment Marketing/Advertising Manager Kristie Stewart-Gale.
Once students make their way into the Mountainlair, they will find the Shenandoah Room has been transformed into a gaming lounge with 16 gaming stations and an array of video games, making it a popular spot for the entire night.
Students can also compete in wide range of fun and interactive game shows, enjoy DIY crafts sponsored by The WOW Factory, enjoy complimentary popcorn while watching new and past favorite movies at the Gluck Theatre and bowl in the Mountainlair Games Area.
Breakfast has returned to the menu to deter students from driving off campus for a late-night meal. Students can enjoy eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy and biscuits, among other breakfast foods, from midnight to 2 a.m.
Attendees are also eligible to win one of several monetary prizes and other giveaways throughout the night.
“WVUp All Night has always been a great weekend program to lure students away from their dorm rooms on weekends, spend time with friends and relax– free of cost,” Stewart-Gale said. “We will continue to work with students to add new options to keep up with changing times and student interests.”
WVUp All Night, now in its 21st year, takes place each Friday and Saturday nights during the spring and fall semesters from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Contact: Kristie Stewart-Gale, Arts & Entertainment
304.293.8221; kristie.stewart-gale@mail.wvu.edu
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