WVU's RaiseMe will make calculating scholarship dollars more accessible for prospective students.
Prospective West Virginia University students who begin assessing their college options in their early high school years can now start tracking their financial options, too.
Starting as early as their freshman year of high school, aspiring Mountaineers can track their progress toward scholarship dollars at WVU through RaiseMe, a free online enterprise that makes calculating scholarship dollars more accessible.
RaiseMe helps students visualize the potential financial impact of their academic and personal achievements in real time and across universities. Students can earn dollars towards micro-scholarships by participating in activities like taking AP courses, earning good grades or taking a WVU Access course. Students input their information into RaiseMe and watch their earning potential grow.
WVU awards over $433 million annually in financial aid, including $48 million in scholarships. Stephen Lee, associate vice president for enrollment management at WVU, says it is important to understand how academic and extracurricular achievements can put a student on the right course for merit-based scholarship money.
“WVU’s RaiseMe program helps the student gain a better understanding that college can be affordable and attainable regardless of your economic background,” Lee said.
Although not a mandatory system, RaiseMe is designed to encourage motivation by increasing opportunities. The system has the ability to convert accomplishments and milestones such as good grades and campus visits into potential dollar amounts at each university they “like,” allowing them to track their earning potential long before their first college acceptance letter arrives in the mail.
Visit http://admissions.wvu.edu/raise-me and click the sign-up button to learn more about the free program and how to create an online portfolio of academic and extracurricular accomplishments.
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