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WVU Extension Service offers food safety tips

Although food recommendations have not changed due to COVID-19, there are a few important items to remember when storing food after a trip to the grocery store. To help us understand more about ways to keep our food safe, West Virginia University Extension Service Families and Health experts Andi Hoover and Hannah Fincham have provided some tips and steps to help us stay safe.

WVU Extension vet clears up coronavirus and cattle confusion

There are several theories about where novel coronavirus (COVID-19) originated and how it spread to humans. West Virginia University Extension Service veterinarian Darin Matlick weighs in on one of those theories – whether or not humans can contract coronavirus from their cattle.

Food insecurity intensifies during COVID-19 pandemic

For individuals living in a food desert, like many in rural Appalachian communities, the COVID-19 pandemic can have an even greater impact on food security, says Lauri Andress, assistant professor in the School of Public Health at West Virginia University.

Nurses need protective equipment, but supplies are dwindling worldwide

Personal protective equipment is a nurse’s “protection and shield” against the novel coronavirus, said Benjamin Klos, an instructor in the West Virginia University School of Nursing and registered nurse with WVU Medicine. Yet as more people seek medical care for COVID-19, nurses around the world are going through PPE faster than usual, diminishing stockpiles.

Personal financial tips to help during COVID-19 crisis

Service workers and those who have been unexpectedly laid off may not have the savings they need in a time like this. Others may be wondering how best to manage their finances in a time of uncertainty. Lauren Weatherford, West Virginia University Extension Service Families and Health Agent in Nicholas and Fayette counties, offers tips and advice to help get people through this unusual time.

Moving your classes online? Here’s what you should know

The COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered classrooms from P-12 schools to the nation’s top universities and forced educators to quickly adapt instruction to the virtual realm. Online learning experts - William Beasley, Ugur Kale and Jiangmei Yuan - offer the following advice for educators who may now be online instructors for the first time. The three faculty members are part of the Instructional Design and Technology Program at the West Virginia University College of Education and Human Services.

The global supply chain is breaking under the COVID-19 pandemic

From medical equipment shortages to panic-buying, the links in supply chains are breaking but will serve as valuable learning lessons for the future, said Ednilson Bernardes, professor and program coordinator of the Global Supply Chain Management program, West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics.

Social distancing can worsen eating disorders, says WVU expert

People with eating disorders can have an especially difficult time, said Elizabeth Claydon, an assistant professor of social and behavioral sciences at West Virginia University, noting the pandemic might make people more susceptible to disordered eating or exacerbate disordered eating for a number of reasons.

WVU Extension Service encourages families to incorporate physical activity into daily routine

As many families transition to remote work and schooling, making physical activity a part of that daily routine can provide many health benefits. Emily Murphy, childhood obesity prevention specialist with West Virginia University Extension Service offers some tips to help keep your family moving, while practicing social distancing and heeding the “Stay At Home” order in West Virginia.