WVU President Gordon Gee speaks during the 2019 Spring State of the University at The Erickson Alumni Center, March 19. (WVUPhoto/Brian Persinger)
WHAT: West Virginia University President Gordon Gee will deliver a State of the University address.
WHEN: 3:15 p.m., Monday, Oct. 14
WHERE: WVU College of Law Event Hall
The University community and public are invited to attend or watch a live webcast that will be available at https://webcast.wvu.edu/.
The regular monthly meeting of the WVU Faculty Senate will take place following Gee’s address, remarks from Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Maryanne Reed and a joint Q&A session.
President Gee and Provost Reed will be available for media interviews in the O’Farrell Conference Room after the event.
CONTACT: University
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