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Honors College

Hernandez, Uqaily, elected WVU student government president, VP

The campaign for West Virginia University Student Government Association ended Wednesday evening (March 9) as the SGA Judicial Court certified Chloe Hernandez and Pareera Uqaily as president and vice president, respectively, for the 2022-23 academic year. The pair represents the first female-minority ticket to win an SGA presidential election.

WVU student named University’s fourth Marshall Scholar

West Virginia University’s Myya Helm has been named a Marshall Scholar, a prestigious award that offers more than 40 young Americans of high ability the opportunity to study in the United Kingdom for two fully-funded years toward a graduate degree.

WVU commencement ceremonies return to Coliseum

A sea of decorated mortarboards and the sounds of cheers from family and friends and tapping of the University mace will once again fill the West Virginia University Coliseum as December and August graduates gather on Saturday, Dec.18, for two commencement ceremonies, marking a return to Mountaineer tradition.

Hossain and Parker named WVU Homecoming Royalty, Alumni honors bestowed

A weekend of Homecoming activities at West Virginia University culminated Saturday (Oct. 2) with the naming of Raimah Hossain and Kylie A. Parker as the 2021 Homecoming Royalty, marking the start of a new tradition at the University. The 2021 WVU Alumni Association Homecoming and Alumni Service Awards were also presented. The announcements were made during the half-time ceremony at Saturday’s Homecoming football game against Texas Tech.