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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

In pursuit of pathogens: WVU student researching infectious diseases spread by ticks

In a time when most people are avoiding diseases like the plague, one West Virginia University biology student is pursuing them instead. Ph.D. candidate Jessica Towey researches in Assistant Professor of Biology Tim Driscoll’s laboratory, which studies vector-borne infectious diseases spread to humans by arthropods.

Jernigan is first Black woman elected WVU student government president

The campaign for West Virginia University Student Government Association leadership ended Wednesday evening (March 10) as the SGA Judicial Court announced Amaya Jernigan and Hunter Moore as president and vice president, respectively, for the 2021-22 academic year.

Lessons from the pandemic: What WVU has learned, accomplished and shared in the year of COVID-19

Under the quiet surface of near-stilled campuses over the past year, West Virginia University researchers, faculty and administrators have scrambled to learn more about COVID-19 and mitigate its spread, calculated how to teach online and hybrid classes and figured out how to better ensure people on those campuses could remain safe from the virulent disease that has killed more than 500,000 U. S. citizens to date.

WVU adjusts amid pandemic-related impacts, plans for the future

The West Virginia University Board of Governors approved several measures during a special meeting on Friday (March 5) as the University continues efforts to successfully navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and plan for the future.

WVU to continue distributing emergency CARES grants to students

Eligible, degree-seeking students at any West Virginia University campus can receive emergency grants through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II, part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. WVU will continue distributing its allotted $10,087,116 in emergency grants to students who qualify.

WVU researchers study high-risk populations in low-tech communities

Closed religious communities such as the Amish are high-risk populations for the spread of both infectious diseases and public health misinformation, according to sociologists from West Virginia University who are working with data from Amish and Mennonite settlements to understand the COVID-19-related beliefs and behaviors prevalent within their communities.

WVU biologists uncover forests’ unexpected role in climate change

New research from West Virginia University biologists shows that trees around the world are consuming more carbon dioxide than previously reported, making forests even more important in regulating the Earth’s atmosphere and forever shift how we think about climate change.

WVU pays tribute to alumnus, longtime supporter George Farmer Jr.

West Virginia University alumnus George R. Farmer Jr. was a successful attorney who devoted his career to carrying on the giving tradition of one of West Virginia’s most celebrated benefactors. In doing so, he helped transform his alma mater and the Morgantown community through impactful philanthropic giving that will be remembered long beyond his passing Monday, at the age of 92.