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Institute of Technology

Long returns to lead WVU Tech effective Monday

With today’s (April 26) announcement of a new interim chancellor for the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, Carolyn Long will return to her post as campus president of West Virginia University Institute of Technology effective Monday (April 29).

Summer camps at WVU provide many opportunities for youth to explore

Summer camp season at West Virginia University begins in May and offers many options for young people to engage both academically and physically during their summer break. Summer camps are known for providing a safe environment where children gain self-confidence as they learn new skills.

WVU celebrates explosion of innovation and entrepreneurship at second annual Demo Day

At West Virginia University, students, faculty and staff are charged with pursuing world-changing discoveries, innovative solutions to the most pressing challenges, academic engagement and excellence, and they are responding to the call. WVU’s second annual Demo Day (April 25) is an example in living color of the University-wide commitment to cultivating a robust and dynamic culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and design.

Carolyn Long to return as campus president at WVU Tech

Carolyn Long will return to West Virginia University Institute of Technology as campus president, WVU President Gordon Gee announced Monday (March 25). Long will return to lead the WVU Beckley campus on May 16, immediately after stepping down as interim chancellor of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.

Second annual Day of Giving brings in more than $6 million for WVU

Supporters of West Virginia University donated more than $6 million Wednesday (Nov. 14) during the University’s second annual Day of Giving, more than doubling last year’s total. It was promoted as “One Day to Give Back” and donors responded making 3,001 gifts during the 24-hour online giving event totaling over $6.2 million.

WVU to hold second annual Day of Giving Nov. 14

West Virginia University alumni and friends are being encouraged to make a gift to the University Wednesday, Nov. 14, as part of the second annual WVU Day of Giving.