A PRT car travels along the tracks spanning the West Virginia University Morgantown Campus. WVU Photo
The West Virginia University Personal Rapid Transit system will be closed for maintenance Saturday, Feb. 15.
This maintenance will allow for standard weekly inspections of the PRT system and is independent of the ongoing assessment of the hillside and surrounding area following Monday’s rock slide incident.
All PRT stations will be closed to passenger service on Saturday. However, buses will operate on a continuous loop from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to provide transportation between campuses.
Pick-up locations for buses will be at the Life Sciences Building, Towers, Mountaineer Station and Evansdale Crossing. Each loop will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. The last complete loop will begin at 5:15 p.m.
As always, Mountain Line bus service is available, and students, faculty and staff ride free with a WVU ID.
For the latest transportation and parking news, follow @WVUparking on Twitter and Facebook. For information and updates on the PRT, follow @WVUPRTstatus on Twitter.-WVU-
CONTACT: WVU University Relations/Communications
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