Individuals who have quilts made prior to 1970 can have their quilts “documented” during Mountaineer Week at the WVU Mountainlair from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Oct. 19 and 20.
The West Virginia Quilt Documentation Project is seeking to record the history of quilts made in, or currently residing in, West Virginia. Individuals who have quilts made prior to 1970 can have their quilts “documented” during Mountaineer Week at the WVU Mountainlair from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Oct. 19 and 20.
The “documentation days” are part of an ongoing effort to record West Virginia’s quilt artistry and history, and to create a record for future historians and researchers.
The West Virginia Quilt Documentation Project is sponsored by West Virginia Quilters, Inc., in collaboration with the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, and support from the West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts.
“Collecting family photos, awards, and detailed information about the quilt and maker can add value to the quilt,” said Sonja Wilson, Mountaineer Week advisor. “Knowing the significance of the quilt can also help prevent future generations from discarding the family heirloom; however, if the quiltmaker is unknown, the quit still has a story to tell and is worthy of documentation”.
Quilt information and photos will be stored in the archives of the West Virginia Division of Culture and History in Charleston and on the national online data base,
Personal information about the quilt owners will be kept confidential.
Individuals interested in having their quilt documented can make an appointment with Jane Larke at or by calling 304.370.3239.
The West Virginia Quilt Documentation Project is conducted by volunteers.
Find out more about Mountaineer Week.
CONTACT: Sonja Wilson, WVU Arts & Entertainment
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