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WVU Nutrition assistance programs create a stronger, more secure food economy

Increasing access to fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables through nutrition assistance programs not only improves the health of those in the programs — it can also better shield West Virginia from outside forces that would disrupt supply chains, according to a WVU food security expert.

Mountaineer mascot to receive flu shot

The 70th West Virginia University Mountaineer mascot, Braden Adkins, will get his flu shot to raise awareness about flu prevention.

WVU violence expert outlines possible motives, response steps for school threats

Jeff Daniels, a professor of counseling at the West Virginia University College of Applied Human Sciences, said every threat must be taken seriously and outlined a course of action for threat assessment teams to take. Only nine states currently require in-school threat assessment teams, which identify students at risk of committing violence and are trained to respond to warning signs and threats.