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WVU Statler College to host Pumpkin Drop

The West Virginia University Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources will welcome students and teachers from across the state on Friday (Oct. 27) for the 34th Pumpkin Drop, a design competition that puts students’ engineering concepts to the test.

Gee to deliver State of the University remarks

West Virginia University President Gordon Gee will speak at 3 p.m. Monday (Oct. 23) at the Erickson Alumni Center. A livestream will also be available on the WestVirginiaU YouTube channel.

WVU to host first Farm Fest

The West Virginia University Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design will host its inaugural Farm Fest on Saturday (Oct. 14) to celebrate the cutting-edge research, teaching and outreach happening on farms and in labs to help improve local communities and the state.

Mountaineer mascot to receive flu shot

The West Virginia University Mountaineer mascot, Mikel Hager, will get his flu shot to raise awareness about flu prevention on Wednesday (Oct. 4).