WVU experts are available to speak about a range of state issues during the 2023 Regular Legislative Session in Charleston. (WVU Photo/Shauna Johnson)
West Virginia University is home to experts who can provide insightful information and context enhancing reporting through the 2023 Regular Legislative Session opening Jan. 11.
Additional experts are available through the WVUToday Experts Database.
Jorge Atiles, dean of extension and engagement and director, WVU Extension. Collaboration between communities and key partners, outreach and programming addressing needs of West Virginians in all 55 counties. Tara Curtis is the contact for Dean Atiles. 304-293-7996; tara.curtis@mail.wvu.edu
William Franko, associate professor, political science, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Political and economic inequality and class politics in the U.S. 304-293-9533, william.franko@mail.wvu.edu
Karen Kunz, associate professor, public administration, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Public policy, public financial management, fiscal policy, budgeting, advocacy, financial markets regulation and civil disobedience. 304-293-7972; karen.kunz@mail.wvu.edu
Christopher Plein, professor, public administration, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Public policy formation and implementation, social and health policy, rural development and community transition, and West Virginia-specific public policy and public administration. 304-293-7974; chris.plein@mail.wvu.edu
Sam Workman, director, Institute for Policy Research and Public Affairs in the John D. “Jay” Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics, and professor, political science, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Public policy, regulation and how governments use information. 304-293-9306; sam.workman@mail.wvu.edu
Stephanie Coleman, program director, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, College of Law. Tax law. Coleman is based in Charleston. 304-205-6908; stephanie.coleman@mail.wvu.edu
John Deskins, director, WVU Bureau of Business and Economic Research, assistant dean for outreach and engagement, associate professor, economics, John Chambers College of Business and Economics. Economic development, small business economics, labor force participation, rural economic development, state economy, government tax and expenditure policy. 304-293-7876; john.deskins@mail.wvu.edu
Brian Lego, research assistant professor, WVU Bureau of Business and Economic Research. Energy economics, housing policy, housing and local economic growth and regional economic indicators. 304-293-7829; brian.lego@mail.wvu.edu
Patrick McGinley, professor, College of Law. Natural resources law, land use and zoning law, constitutional law, administrative law, media rights. 304-293-6823; patrick.mcginley@mail.wvu.edu
Heather Stephens, director, WVU Regional Research Institute. Effect of policies across regions, energy, environmental and regional economics. 304-293-5639; heather.stephens@mail.wvu.edu
Danny Twilley, assistant vice president of economic, community and asset development for the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative. Ascend WV, talent attraction and retention, outdoor community development, outdoor recreation asset development, business development and workforce development. danny.twilley@mail.wvu.edu
Elaine Waterhouse Wilson, professor, College of Law. Tax law and policy. 304-293-7802; elaine.wilson@mail.wvu.edu
Matthew Campbell, associate professor, education, College of Applied Human Sciences. Teacher recruitment and retention, teacher education and development and mathematics education. 204-293-4714; mpcampbell@mail.wvu.edu
Erin McHenry-Sorber, associate professor, education, College of Applied Human Sciences. West Virginia educator shortage, educational policy, rural schools and communities, and research on rural schools and equity. 304-293-2090; ecmchenrysorber@mail.wvu.edu
George Zimmerman, assistant vice president of enrollment management, University Relations and Enrollment Management. Post-secondary education landscape, college enrollment and student recruitment. 304-293-1087; george.zimmerman@mail.wvu.edu
Jonathon Beckmeyer, assistant professor, College of Applied Human Sciences. Family systems and dynamics, policies affecting youth and families. 304-293-3049; jonathon.beckmeyer@mail.wvu.edu
Valarie Blake, professor, College of Law. Health care law, health care disparities, health care fraud and abuse, medical ethics and health insurance. 304-293-8639; valarie.blake@mail.wvu.edu
Dr. Judith Feinberg, professor, infectious diseases, School of Medicine. Substance misuse, harm reduction and opioid overdoses. Cassie Thomas is the contact for Dr. Feinberg. 304-293-3412; cassie.thomas@hsc.wvu.edu
Mark Koepke, professor, physics, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Clean energy and plasma-aided manufacturing. 304-293-4912; mark.koepke@mail.wvu.edu
Shikha Sharma, professor, geology, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Energy, environment and shale gas. shikha.sharma@mail.wvu.edu
Sam Taylor, assistant director, WVU Energy Institute. Energy development, energy geosciences including geothermal, hydrogen storage and carbon dioxide storage, transportation energy utilization, renewable and nonrenewable energy research, clean energy and advanced energy technologies. 304-293-6032; samuel.taylor@mail.wvu.edu
Paul Ziemkiewicz, director, West Virginia Water Research Institute. Mine drainage, water quality, watershed management, biofuels, rare earth elements and industrial site restoration. 304-293-6958; paul.ziemkiewicz@mail.wvu.edu
Joseph Jones, visiting assistant professor, media ethics and law, Reed College of Media. Media ethics. joseph.jones@mail.wvu.edu
West Virginia University experts can provide commentary, insights and opinions on various news topics. Search for an expert by name, title, area of expertise, or college/school/department in the Experts Database at WVUToday.
The 2023 Regular Legislative Session runs from Wednesday (Jan. 11) through March 11.
MEDIA CONTACT: Shauna Johnson
Director of News Communications
University Relations
304-293-8302; sjohns13@mail.wvu.edu
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