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WVU symposium to showcase student research

This photo was taken in a lab. A person in a yellow shirt and beige and blue plaid flannel with shoulder length dark blonde hair stands at a black countertop cutting apples.

Makenna Tressler, a horticulture major from Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and participant in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, is one of nearly 200 student researchers presenting during WVU’s Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium on July 28. Tressler is working alongside Michael Gutensohn, assistant professor of horticulture, on analyzing flavor compounds in table, crab and cider apples used to make hard cider. (WVU Photo/Lindsay Willey)

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WHAT: The Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium is an in-person, judged poster session featuring students engaged in summer research programming at West Virginia University

WHERE: Erickson Alumni Center, 1 Alumni Drive, Morgantown

WHEN: Thursday (July 28) from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.  

WHO: Nearly 200 undergraduate student researchers from course, capstones and the following WVU programs:

NOTES: The symposium is free and open to the public. Student researchers will present from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. during a public poster session. An awards ceremony will be held from 1:30 to 2 p.m.

More information and research abstracts can be found on the symposium website.



MEDIA CONTACT: Lindsay Willey
Director of Marketing and Communications
WVU Honors College

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