Evana Gizzi with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center works alongside a HackWeek participant at WVU's Advanced Engineering Research Building on June 13, 2022. (WVU Photo/Paige Nesbit)
Students, professors, data managers and others from New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia are coming together at West Virginia University this week to explore NASA’s problems of interest and learn about open science practices and software.
WHAT: The NASA West Virginia Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research is hosting the inaugural NASA EPSCoR HackWeek
WHEN: Monday, June 13 — Friday, June 17, 8:30 a.m. — 4 p.m.
WHERE: WVU Advanced Engineering Research Building, Room 137, 101 Research Way, Morgantown
NOTES: The participants will learn from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center experts James Harrington, Barbara Thompson and Evana Gizzi.
The weeklong event will provide underrepresented communities exposure to problems of interest for NASA and generate technical expertise and opportunities by contributing to NASA’s challenges.
Participants will be introduced to educational and training activities including the problem space of Fault Diagnosis on-board spacecraft. They will generate specific outcomes and novel solutions for the problem space.
The event is designed to create an inclusive, open space that fosters a collaborative learning experience, networking, innovation and sharing ideas.
Ali Baheri, research assistant professor of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Piyush Mehta, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, are assisting in the event.
Learn more about NASA EPSCoR HackWeek.
Director, NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium/NASA EPSCoR
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
304-293-5913; mcpage@mail.wvu.edu
Kisstaman Epps
Outreach Specialist/Executive Assistant, NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium/NASA WV EPSCoR
304-293-3936; kdepps@mail.wvu.edu
Marketing and Communications Director
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
304-293-4135; paige.nesbit@mail.wvu.edu
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