WVU ROTC will commission three new 2nd Lts. Thursday (Dec. 16) at the Mountainlair.
WHAT: West Virginia University Army ROTC Annual Fall Commissioning Ceremony
WHEN: Thursday (Dec. 16) 10 a.m. at the WVU Mountainlair, 1550 University Ave., Morgantown
WHO: Col. Timothy J. Ferguson, keynote speaker. Maj. David Sherck, professor of military science and Master Sgt. Christopher Farmer, senior military instructor, will present the cadets for commissioning.
Mountaineer Battalion Cadets to be commissioned:
William Kilmon (Havre de Grace, Maryland; Science and Mathematics Academy at Aberdeen High School), B.S. in civil engineering, Active Duty, Infantry
Olivia Matzinger (Williamsport, Pennsylvania; Montoursville Area High School), B.A. in criminology, Active Duty, Field Artillery
Carter Sweeney (Summersville; Nicholas County High School), B.S. exercise physiology, West Virginia Army National Guard, Military Intelligence
NOTES: Pre- or post-ceremony interviews with any of the newly commissioned officers and/or guest speaker can be arranged on an individual basis. Cadet biographical photos are also available upon request for hometown news outlets.
Col. Ferguson is a full-time student at the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Upon graduation in the spring, he will become the 70th colonel of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment “Blackhorse” at Fort Irwin, California, home of the National Training Center, the Army’s premier combat training center. Prior to the War College, he served as commander of the 3rd Squadron, 5th Security force Assistance Brigade, Fort Lewis, Washington.
BACKGROUND: Army ROTC is the premier leadership development program on campus and a four-year progressive leadership development program. During classes, leadership labs, physical training and field training exercises, cadets learn first-hand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups and conduct missions as an officer in the United States Army. Cadets are required to complete a 38-day leadership assessment at Fort Knox, Kentucky, known as Advanced Camp. Upon earning their degrees, cadets commission as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army on Active Duty, in the Army National Guard, or in the Army Reserve, and become leaders for life. WVU’s ROTC program was recognized in 2007-08 as the best program in the Eastern Region of the United States and was subsequently awarded the General Douglas MacArthur Award.
The commissioning class for Academic Year 2021-22 is currently comprised of 25 total officers from the three schools forming the Mountaineer Battalion – WVU, Fairmont State University and Waynesburg University. All 25 this year are WVU students. Waynesburg and Fairmont State students travel to WVU several times a week for physical training and leadership instruction but complete their degree/major requirements at the partnership schools. The battalion commissioned 33 lieutenants in Academic Year 2020-21, the most since the late 1980s.
CONTACT: John Dowling
304-894-6641, john.dowling@mail.wvu.edu
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