WVU President Gordon Gee recently spoke as the Morgantown Campus community gathered at the 9/11 memorial near the Wise Library to honor and remember those Americans who were killed in the attacks around the country in 2001. The 20th anniversary remembrance was held Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. (WVU Photo/Jennifer Shephard)
WHAT: West Virginia University President Gordon Gee will deliver a State of the University address.
WHEN: 3 p.m., Monday, Oct. 18
WHERE: WVU College of Law Fitzsimmons Event Hall
The University community and public are invited to attend or watch a live webcast via YouTube at https://youtu.be/ptlyGxbt6W0 which will also be available at https://webcast.wvu.edu/.
The regular monthly meeting of the WVU Faculty Senate will take place following Gee’s address and a Q&A session with the audience.
CONTACT: April Kaull
Executive Director of Communications, University Relations
304-293-3990; akaull@mail.wvu.edu
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