Ethics of AI Panel, part of the John Chambers College of Business and Economics Distinguished Speaker Series, in partnership with Vantage Ventures.
WHAT: Ethics of AI Panel, part of the West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics Distinguished Speaker Series, in partnership with Vantage Ventures
WHERE: Live virtual event via Zoom. Participants can acquire the link by registering.
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 22, 5-6 p.m.
- Tim Duncan, Founder of FinTech Commons,
- David Fragale, Executive in Residence, Chambers College Finance department. He comes to WVU with experience professionally across the Fortune 100, top financial institutions, the public sector and multilateral agencies and venture-backed startups,
- Laura Kornhauser, co-founder and CEO of Stratify.
NOTES: With the increase in artificial intelligence across industries, the Chambers College Distinguished Speaker Series, in conjunction with Vantage Ventures, is hosting an Ethics in AI Panel. Experts David Fragale, Laure Kornhauser and Tim Duncan will lead a thoughtful discussion on the implications of AI, followed by a Q&A session.
This panel was part of the Maier AI Ethics Competition, which was open to all four-year West Virginia college students. The student competition will be held earlier that day.
CONTACT: Heather Richardson
Assistant Dean of Communications, Engagement & Impact
John Chambers College of Business and Economics
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