West Virginia University pediatricians recommend parents and caregivers continue their children’s routine well child visits to screen for health and development and immunizations. (WVU Photo)
Even during the COVID-19 global pandemic, West Virginia University pediatricians Dr. Lisa Costello and Dr. Kathryn S. Moffett recommend parents and caregivers continue their children’s routine well child visits to screen for health and development and immunizations to prevent outbreaks of more common diseases.
“It is essential we continue to protect children from the diseases that can be prevented through immunization, during a pandemic and always. Vaccines keep communities healthy, and protect us all, including some of the most vulnerable in our society, including the elderly, and children who are too young to be vaccinated or have compromised immune systems.
“Routine childhood immunization is one of the crown achievements in public health over the past century. Robust medical evidence continues to show that vaccines are safe. Vaccines are effective. Vaccines save lives.” — Dr. Lisa Costello, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the West Virginia University School of Medicine and President of the WV Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
“We must emphasize that ‘routine’ well child care is not to be put off. The importance of well child care is to keep children well. In the face of COVID-19, this is more important than ever.
“There is evidence that part of the reason that children do not have as severe disease as adults is immunization with MMR vaccine. Making sure children are vaccinated therefore has much more importance — it’s a double benefit.” — Dr. Kathryn S. Moffett, Professor of Pediatrics, West Virginia University School of Medicine
CONTACT: Wendy Holdren
Senior Communications Specialist
WVU Health Sciences Center
304-923-3591; wendy.holdren@hsc.wvu.edu
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