Dr. Clay Marsh, WVU vice president and executive dean for health sciences and West Virginia COVID-19 czar, says staying the course in preventing disease spread can help "flatten the curve." (WVU Photo)
West Virginia University Vice President and Executive Dean for Health Sciences Dr. Clay Marsh, now West Virginia’s COVID-19 czar, says in his blog that projections for deaths due to the virus are staggering, but West Virginians can “flatten the curve” and change outcomes by following the rules. Marsh warns that low numbers of COVID-19 spread should not cause complacency.
“In West Virginia, our data and our model is improving. The model will continue to advance as we improve the consistency of social distancing to six feet, staying in our homes, washing our hands, avoid putting our hands to our face, covering our coughs and sneezes and staying away from others if sick.”
“If we continue to do all in our power to keep ourselves healthy and safe, we do the same for our families, for our communities and for our healthcare workers. Be proud of yourselves, West Virginia—just don’t be complacent. It is time to be strong and to support each other in our resolve to be a beacon for our country.” —Dr. Clay Marsh, WVU vice president and executive dean for health sciences
BLOG POST: The Next Few Weeks (April 2)
BLOG POST: Why social distancing and staying at home works (March 28)
BLOG POST: Our power (March 17)
Follow Dr. Marsh’s blog for updates and new posts
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CONTACT: Tara Scatterday
Executive Director, Communications and Institutional Relations
WVU Health Sciences
304-293-0630; tdscatterday@hsc.wvu.edu
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