A WVU student studies in the library on the Morgantown Campus. (WVU Photo/Greg Ellis)
What’s the News?
As the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 spreads across the globe, the disruption to daily life and uncertainty can lead to stress and anxiety for many.
WVU BeWell services, a satellite office of the Carruth Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, is reaching out to West Virginia University students to help provide stress reduction and management support.
Quotes and comments
“We know that change is hard. It can create stress and worry about what this might mean—for your grades, internship experiences and hours and for your ability to successfully access online platforms. We get it. And we're here to provide guidance and help to our students.”
“I am
a big fan of listening to the experts on this one and minimizing other media
content right now. We have little control in the grand scheme of how this plays
out. There are steps you can take for prevention, and you should take them
Jennifer Randall Reyes, Behavioral Health Clinician, WVU Health Sciences
“The Carruth Center for Psychological and Psychiatric Services is committed to helping WVU students navigate this challenging time. We know that change, particularly when sudden and unexpected, can be difficult and we hope that all WVU students will continue to take good care of their mental health at this time.”
“This kind of change may make us feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. CCCPS, along with our satellite offices at BeWell and in Athletics, will be open and operational to provide support to students during this time.”—Stephanie Harrison, Psychologist, Carruth Center for Psychological and Psychiatric Services
Target Audiences
- WVU students
- WVU faculty and staff
- Potential students
- Parents
- Other colleges and universities
- Community members
BeWell blog posts by Jen Randall Reyes
Carruth Center for Psychological and Psychiatric Counseling
CONTACT: Cassie Thomas
Director, Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Medicine
304-293-3412; cassie.thomas@hsc.wvu.edu
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