WVU engineering students traveled to McComas in Mercer County to work on water systems for local residents. Amna Haque and Tyler Brewster; (Second row, standing, L-R) Morgan King, Ozan Ozbeker, Teresa Hoang, Adam Roh, David King, Morgan Amick, Ahmed Haque, Luke Stover
What’s the news?
West Virginia University continues fulfilling its land-grant mission by helping state communities maintain their most important infrastructure—water systems. WVU’s Chapter of Engineers Without Borders recently traveled to McComas in Mercer County to conduct an assessment of an abandoned water system.
Quotes and Comments
“We found that community members use the water for everyday uses and in fact emphasized that they believe their water is of great quality. We quickly discovered that the primary issue was a lack of financial resources to maintain the water system, and not the water itself. Testing of the water system occurs, just not as regularly as mandated by the state. While WVUEWB is not able to help McComas financially, we could help by performing manual labor so that the operators could focus their time and financial resources on the water testing.”— Morgan King, WVU civil engineering graduate
WVU Engineers Without Borders
Photos available for download
Link to original story:
WVU engineering students launch water restoration project in McComas
Target audiences
Policy makers
People who live in small communities
Community leaders in charge of small water systems
CONTACT: Mary C. Dillon
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
304.293.4086; Mary.Dillon@mail.wvu.edu
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